One Nevada Credit Union Blog
Build financial resiliency with emergency savings.
We all know we’re supposed to save money and build an emergency savings account, but it can be hard. Especially when financial inevitables like unexpected car repairs, medical expenses, appliance repairs, or other unplanned purchases arise.
How To Save On Your First Set Of College Textbooks
Purchasing every textbook you need for class can take a big bite out of your budget. We’re talking huge amounts here: According to the National Association of College Stores, the average college student spends upward of $80 on each new textbook and can sometimes drop as much as $175 on one volume.
Soar higher with One Nevada
Let’s take off for the Great Reno Balloon Race! September is just around the corner and that means it’s time for the triumphant return of the Great Reno Balloon Race! This September 6 – 8, we’re delighted to be sponsoring our own balloon at the world’s largest, free, hot-air balloon festival.
Meet the Frugalwoods:
From the minute we wake up until our eyes close at bedtime, we’re bombarded with splashy ads and commercials promising us the world—for a price, of course.
Member Focus: Tom Perkins
Occupation: Deputy Court Marshal, Clark County Constable, Emergency Medical Technician, and Adjunct Instructor for Clark County Fire Department’s Emergency Management Program
Savings Needs Change Over Time
Right now, 47% of us are spending more than or equal to our income, according to data compiled by the Financial Health Network.