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Member Focus: Vaughn Hartung

By: One Nevada Credit Union / 18 Jul 2018
Member Focus: Vaughn Hartung

Name: Vaughn Hartung
Washoe County, District 4 Commissioner
Owner Vaughn Hartung Enterprises
Former Owner/Partner Hartung and Dickman Photography Studios
Sparks, Nevada
Member since: 1980

People first get into politics for all the right reasons, including infrastructure improvements, community support, resource management and more. For Commissioner Vaughn Hartung it was, and continues to be, all of the above.

First elected to represent District 4, including Sparks, Spanish Springs and Wadsworth in 2012, Hartung plans to run again in 2020 to continue serving the community that he and his family have enjoyed for more than three decades.

"I first moved to Northern Nevada in 1980," Hartung recalled. "I taught photography at Truckee Meadows Community College and UNR. I then later opened a photography studio in 1983. We were booking weddings and other events 12 to 18 months in advance during our most successful years."

For decades, Hartung has enjoyed the roles of small-business owner, employer, teacher, community volunteer and most recently that of elected official.

"Right now, my passion is water," Hartung proudly stated.

When it comes to water and sustainability, Hartung is an important political influencer in the state of Nevada, named Public Official of the Year by the Nevada Water Environment Association. Hartung also chairs the Western Regional Water Commission Board of Trustees, is vice chair of the Truckee Meadows Water Authority, along with a long list of other important boards.

"Water is the most precious commodity we have," Hartung added, rattling off exact statistics about water usage and reserves, from lakes and rivers to reservoirs. He knows his stuff, and the people who elected him seem to appreciate his enthusiasm and energy just about as much as Hartung appreciates his One Nevada Credit Union membership.

"I've been a member of the credit union since I moved here," he said when asked about One Nevada. "I like the service and the ability to do everything online. I have a full-service bank from my desktop or smartphone. I can manage all of my banking needs any time of the day or night."

Hartung and his wife have put their One Nevada membership to good use, financing their home and saving up to help their kids go to college.

As for retirement, the Hartung family has been planning for the future for decades.

"I think about retirement all the time," he added with a nod. "We've been saving for retirement since we got married 34 years ago."

While retirement is still a handful of years away for Commissioner Hartung, he knows he will enjoy his many hobbies, including collecting antique clocks, fishing, hunting, yard work and travel.

"We will probably start traveling more than we have historically," he said. "We want to go to Europe."

While he's there, Hartung knows he can still get his work done as an elected official. Last year, during a trip to Hawaii, Hartung was able to cast his vote on a specific item even though he was not physically in Nevada.

"I can connect with the staff via text or phone call. It's a new world."

For all of us at One Nevada Credit Union, including the members, Commissioner Vaughn Hartung is a welcome ally and trusted voice who understands the importance of community, family, people-helping people and recognizing our military heroes.

"I'm proud to say, we live in the greatest country in the world."

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