A Collection of Thoughts
Title: From a Father to a Child
Author: Michael R. Johns
Paperback: 218 pages
Publisher: Hasmark Publishing International
Publishing date: June 1, 2020
Average customer review: 5 out of 5 stars
Who is this book for?
- Forward-thinking teens interested in learning how to achieve their life goals and manage their finances in the best ways possible
- Parents seeking guidance for how to teach life lessons and provide a financial education for their children
What's inside this book?
- A warm and practical guide addressed to children on how to avoid a trial-and-error approach to life
- Actionable tips for building long-lasting wealth
- Inspirational stories from famous people, as well as John's own childhood and adult experiences
- A blueprint of crucial habits that can lead to success and fulfillment in every area of life
5 lessons you'll learn from this book:
- How to stick to your priorities under any life circumstance
- How to successfully take calculated risks
- How to spend less than you make
- How to create and maintain intergenerational wealth
- How to choose the path less traveled when it's more in line with your values
4 questions this book will answer for you:
- How can I achieve financial wellness without compromising my values and morals?
- How can I become the leader in my home?
- Is it possible to put my family first and still achieve financial wealth?
- How do I find balance in life?
What people are saying about this book:
- "The perfect book for anyone who wants to achieve greater success in parenting, business and life." — Anthony Parinello
- "This book is filled with wisdom that can potentially help anyone become a greater and grander version of who they are." — Peggy McColl
- "Inspiring and heartwarming, yet packed with practical and specific steps to creating and maintaining intergenerational wealth, this book is a blueprint on how to live a life of fulfillment, success and contentment! This book will transform your life!"— Matthew O'Brien
Your Turn: Have you read From a Father to a Child? Tell us what you thought about it in the comments.